more than three wishes

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Sweet Guy

Well, we have a new sweet guy in our house. He has actually been here for several days, but things are just now slowing down enough to be able to share the news with everyone!!! Here is a cute picture of him :-)

The biggest challenge so far has been that Bob has been in Russia for about a week. I'll be happy to have him home!!!

The other kiddos are adjusting well...very well, in fact!

We are following what we believe God is calling us to do and we are holding on for dear life 'cause it is quite a ride so far!!!

Monday, July 20, 2009

The rollercoaster is starting...

Well, we found out on Thursday that we were supposed to be getting a little dude in the next week or so. He was a newborn little boy. We were super excited but also prayed that God would close doors and block the placement if it wasn't the one that was supposed to be in our family. We found out today that those doors have been closed! Little Dude went to live with another family over the weekend.

While we are a little disappointed, we feel like God had a better place for that little boy and has a better fit for our family in the future. Additionally, it was a wonderful "dry run" for us in the future. The fact of the matter is that placements will usually come to our house within hours of receiving the phone call and this little teaser let us realize a whole host of things we had yet to plan for :-) We are better prepared for a placement in the future now.

We are so excited about being able to help out and show love to the child God has for our family.
We'll keep you posted!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

The past week :-)

Well, the kids went to my oldest sister's house last week. What a wonderful relief for Bob and me. We were able to get tons of stuff done: cleaned out the garage, re-organized my closets, desk etc...It was wonderful! The kids also had a great time bonding with their cousins.

I was talking to my precious oldest daughter (I'll call her "Alpha" for this blog) on the phone and after I said "I miss you" she responded with "I miss Daddy!" Ah, the joys of motherhood :-) She is such a sweetie and I'm pretty sure she actually missed me by the end of the trip.

We returned home from their week away just in time to make it to a 4th of July party. This is the same party we go to each year and as I was watching the fireworks with my three babies, I realized how much I am growing to treasure these small traditions we are forming. I love building these memories with my family.

Okay, so here is one more funny tidbit from the week that I have to share. Well, this was the week that I decided to teach Baby Guy (my middle son) to stand up while going potty. Here is what we learned: Baby Guy can stand's a little messy, but he can do it. Alpha however has conclusively proven that she cannot stand up to potty! It was VERY funny to discover both of those facts.

Adoption update: We have finished the homestudy and are waiting to be licensed to be foster parents...should be about 30 days from now. We will be foster parents for at least 6 months while we wait to be adoptive parents. We are also praying about a potential adoption possibility that is outside the foster care system. we are very excited to see what child God has in store for our family.

Alpha, Baby Guy and Cupcake are all adjusting well to sleeping in the same room! Yay!!

Until later,

Ahh...just me

Sunday, June 28, 2009

My First Blog

Well, here is first attempt at blogging! Let it be known that I am a terrible speller and not a great writer...I'm an engineer! I am loving the idea of having a place to shout from the mountain tops about the journey of our family. I am so excited about what God is doing in our lives and have finally decided I need an outlet to share it!! Welcome to the wild ride of our family... me, my wonderful husband and three super cute far!